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tapanui west otago promotions

What We Do

We promote wellbeing and a sense of pride in West Otago
1.    An awareness of local history
2.   Outdoor Pursuits
3.   Annual Events
4.   Maintenance of Town Gardens by volunteers
5.   The Development and oversight of the Community website


Meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month at the Blue Mountain College Meeting Room, starting at 7:30pm. 

What About The Community Board?

The aim of TWO Promotions is to see improvements made to the town. The Community Board and TWO Promotions agreed that they should work together to achieve this. TWO Promotions is an incorporated society and as such is in a position to apply for funding.


TWO Projects

TWO (Tapanui West Otago) Promotions have been involved in various projects in Tapanui and the surrounding area since the group was formed in 2003. These projects include (in no particular order):

Current Projects

1. Maintenance of gardens at: Main Street, Community Centre and Car Park, Green Area, Tapanui Edge of the Forest signs and Kent Street
2. Blue Mountain Walk maintenance
3. Blue Mountain Bike Track maintenance
4. Community Website maintenance
5. Organise Christmas Parade
6. The Lookout Track at Whisky Gully
7. Over 80’s Lunch


Completed Projects

1. 'Tapanui' Signs - planting and maintenance
2. Designed Tapanui Information Kiosk Panel
3. Designed & raised funds for the Mural at Seasons
4. Moonrock feature and Dr Snow memorial
5. Purchased two mountain bikes for hiring (available for hire at Whitechapel Gifts)
6. Seating around beech tree (at Seasons)
7. Envelope Stickers

8. Development of Kent Street area

9. Community Family Day (with WO Combined Churches)
10. Initiated 2013 Cavalcade
11. Relocated Kelso Church bell
12. Welcome afternoon tea for Tapanui newcomers
13. Funded English language text books
14. Financial support of Black Gully Domain 150th celebrations
15. Main Street Banners
16. Recording of Oral History
17. Kelso Dairy Factory (biult 1913) refurbishment

Have you got an idea for a community project that you'd like to share?

Thanks for submitting, we'll be in touch.!

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